Monday, February 6, 2012

Finding Winter: The Magnetism of Ole'Red

Our walk began with visitors, a dozen Canada Geese as baffled as we have been about the state of winter.  They nestled in with the ducks and honked their feathers off.
After a walk-about we headed off to visit Ole'Red.  Lola and I walked, Dirt Dog took off at  break-neck speed.  Visiting Ole'Red is like going to the top of the mountain to visit the is sacred and well, the coolest.
Meet the Farmall, circa 1938.

 As we headed out from our visit the geese started honking overhead and we caught them in formation.  "What are they trying to spell?" asked Lola.  "L" for....loud!"
 Around the corner we popped in the hoop house.  The sun was beginning to go down but the bright green of the young plants was warming.  We knelt down and ogled the first bloom of the Temptress Poppy.  "It's fuzzy!" said Dirt Dog.  "It's wearing ear muffs!" said Lola.
 It's a perfectly broken heart, a freshly cracked shell, a mystery of light.  It's beautiful, every little wisp of it.
 Dirt Dog offered to give us a ride home on Scoop (the orange Kubota).  We hopped aboard and pretended to bump along for awhile before stretching our legs into the setting sun.

1 comment:

  1. I crave the space you have! I grew up in the country but live in suburbia now. I almost have to suck in to walk along the sides of my house because my lot is so narrow. Must be fun for your kids.


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