Friday, March 16, 2012

To Cut the Willow.

I knelt to cut the willow
with pole beans in my mind.
To form a house to twine on
to twist a rope of twine.
But the willow was wild and laden
catkins heavy with life
the bees sang with exhilaration
their pockets full and bright.
I knelt to cut the willow
but found instead a song
of life and light and unbroken desire
to which my memories all belong.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Extraordinary pictures and poetry. Did you end up cutting the willow?

  2. I did! We made a beautiful trellis to grow our beans on and my daughter made multiple fairy houses. These early spring days are so beautiful.

  3. Beautiful...the photos and the poem. How sweet to make a trellis on which to grow your beans and fairy houses? Love that.

  4. Thank you Annie! I hope to do a post on what we made with the willow soon....thanks for stopping by!


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